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ChemRxiv: Preprint-Publikationen

Niklas von Wolff · Francesco Crisanti et al.

Unlocking Metal-Ligand Cooperative Catalytic Photochemical Benzene Carbonylation: A Mechanistic Approach

Yu Shee · Haote Li et al.

Site-Specific Template Generative Approach for Retrosynthetic Planning

Bradley Smith · Rananjaya Gamage

Fluorescence imaging using deep-red Indocyanine Blue (ICB) a complementary partner for near infrared Indocyanine Green (ICG)

Maria Nagan · Lauren Raguette et al.

Adjusting the energy profile for CH–O interactions leads to improved stability of RNA stem-loop structures in MD simulations

Niklas von Wolff · Francesco Crisanti et al.

Unlocking Metal-Ligand Cooperative Catalytic Photochemical Benzene Carbonylation: A Mechanistic Approach

Yu Shee · Haote Li et al.

Site-Specific Template Generative Approach for Retrosynthetic Planning

Bradley Smith · Rananjaya Gamage

Fluorescence imaging using deep-red Indocyanine Blue (ICB) a complementary partner for near infrared Indocyanine Green (ICG)

Maria Nagan · Lauren Raguette et al.

Adjusting the energy profile for CH–O interactions leads to improved stability of RNA stem-loop structures in MD simulations

Phillip Milner · Yihuan Lai

Paired Electrolysis Enables Reductive Heck Coupling of Unacti-vated (Hetero)Aryl Halides and Alkenes

Niko Vlahakis · Arden Clauss et al.

Charting electron beam-induced lattice reorientation in molecular nanocrystals

Sophia Miller · Christian Scott et al.

Biocompatible Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles for X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy

Rumiana Tenchov · Qiongqiong Angela Zhou

Inverse vaccines - Friend, Not Foe: How Inverse Vaccines Tackle Autoimmune Diseases

Rumiana Tenchov · Janet Sasso et al.

The Evolving Landscape of Parkinson's Disease Research: Current Challenges and Future Outlook

Rumiana Tenchov · Janet Sasso et al.

Alzheimer's Disease: Exploring the Landscape of Cognitive Decline