Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Polypyrrole Regulates Active Sites in Co‐Based Catalyst in Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells

ChemSusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The Front Cover shows how direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFCs) convert borohydride chemical energy into clean electricity, which can provide electric energy for unmanned aerial vehicles and other electrical equipment. In order to enhance the electrochemical borohydride oxidation reaction (eBOR) at the anode, this study proposed a strategy to regulate active sites in Co-based catalysts by using polypyrrole modification. The polypyrrole-modified carbon support regulates the charge distribution around Co species, optimizing adsorption and desorption of intermediates. This study opens a new avenue for the design and development of electrocatalysts with high eBOR performance by manipulating the active sites with polymers. More information can be found in the Research Article by B. Zhang and co-workers.

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